Right now, I’m watching the 2nd episode of Melissa & Joey. It’s good-ish. It’s too predictable, but the second episode is making me laugh. The jokes are mostly conversations with double meanings(‘I’m getting my inches back!” When referring to a 52 inch television lost in a divorce, “Those are mine! I paid for that and those!” , about trading a chair with said ex-wife, and those meaning her… yeah.). The characters gained more dept, sort of, and although things were clichéd, it made me laugh.
And I know this is really random and unnecessary, but why does the boy have the thickest New York Noo Yawk accent? I’m not even sure if it could be classified as that, but he seems to be the only character with the accent.
But they couldn’t avoid the symbolism thing again. “Yeah, I think I like it. At first, I hated it being here, but now I’m use to it.” Mel said it about the TV, although it could pass off for her thoughts on Joey. Get it? People think she’s talking about the TV, but she’s really talking about her nanny manny! Clever!
And I noticed something:
Don’t those backgrounds look similar? It’s not like ABCFamily has a specific color or anything, so they could’ve just pick a different gradient in Photoshop.
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