In Case of EA-Mergency

     Hi everyone!  Due to the recent EA controversy, and some of AE's recent blog posts, I've decided to just make one big post filled with links of places where people fed up with EA's $h!t could just email mainstream media as much as they want to. This won't
    have links and information on things like EA customer service confrontations, or who got banned and why, because it would be impossible for me to keep up with EA 24/7, so if you're looking for information, pick any Sims related blog on the right(Or at least the ones that focus on forum stuff) to learn more about EA's mistakes.
    So, link time!

    1. G4 TV
    2. Game ProMedia 
    3. Game Informer(Select a News Tip) 
    4. Consumer Warning Network 
    5. Better Business Bureau 
    6. CNN (A little big for an EA complaint if you ask me, but whatever.)
    7. Shame, Shame, Shame. The Arnold Diaz segment on FOX. I think it's more for things like local restaurants, not major companies, but it won't hurt to send a complaint. :P
    8. The Federal Trade Commission
    9. EA's Google Finance Page 
    I'm pretty sure I've missed some links, so just send additional links in the comments! Remember, if we work together, we could take down EA! Or, at least get financial reimbursement. :P

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