Friday, October 22, 2010


Time for an inevitable IRL post!



Anyway. This school year, my school has added an ID system needed to enter bathrooms. You can also use them as a debit card for buying lunch. The school also has an online grade book now. I’m against both. I mean, it’s great we’re moving forward, but I guess there are several main points that piss me off.

  1. What if I forget my ID? Monday, I forgot my ID on my nightstand in my bedroom and I had to hold it in for most of the afternoon. I’m not one of those stoners who cut class 24/7! But I had to be punished because the school only gave us one day to phase us into the system. Sure, it’s good if some smoker starts a fire, or if a robbery or assault happens, but hey, life isn’t an ABCFamily movie. Those occasions that will ‘help’ our school will happen once a school year. And now the school knows when I go into the bathroom by logging in my ID’s scans? Why? I wash my hands at lunch, so what are they going to do? Tell me I go to the bathroom too much? They said they would do that, but I’m not sure if they have a system which tells them if it’s at lunch. I just don’t want the person in charge of it to smirk ‘Hm… student 12345 goes to the bathroom a lot o.O Hey, guys, look! He went to the bathroom every day this week!’
  2. What if someone steals my ID, and uses it for the bathroom stuff, and I get in trouble? I know this is speculation, but really. Wouldn’t the school think of these things more?
  3. Online gradebook: So, what if my teacher types in ‘05' instead of ‘95’? I get a lecture and some progress report to scare my parents? And I tell my parents most(As in, 95%) of my grades. I understand that if I do bad on a quiz, it’s my fault. But there are certain occasions where I know that I just couldn’t study and I could get better grades if I tried, and the only thing that would happen if I tell my parents is them lecturing me. And some of my teachers are actually telling me that they’re not gonna tell us our grades in class, because we could see them online. I haven’t signed up for an account yet, so I might never see some grades because my teachers are feeling lazy?
  4. The debit card system. I just get lunch from home, but my classes are pretty far from the cafeteria, so getting a table is hard. Now that people could just swipe for food, getting a table will be even harder. :|
  5. The fact that the recent economic crisis made the school get rid of some teachers, classes, and other budget cuts, but we magically have the funds to have all of these features.


  1. I hate IDs! I have to wear one around my neck all day on a lanyard! If you don't wear your ID then you get detentions. And I sooo agree with number 5

  2. We only have to show it when we're asked for it, or to scan into the bathrooms. I think I heard they might unlock them during lunch, but the damage is already done. :P
    For number 5, I feel bad because now, in high school, I'm like, close with some of my teachers. I can't imagine not seeing them because they got fired for 'budget issues'.
    The best thing about this is seeing someone get an intervention for going to the bathroom too much, when they're just cutting class. xD

  3. Yeah same here, I like a lot of my teachers. None of them have been fired yet thankfully. Mostly because the school I go to is huge and has a lot of kids in it. But my mom's a teacher, and at the district she teaches in, she goes to there's constant layoffs.
