Friday, October 1, 2010

Mel and Joe is Gonna Go

Okay, so it hasn’t been confirmed yet… but ABCFamily’s Melissa & Joey is probably gonna be cancelled in a few weeks. Here are my signs:

  1. Elizabeth Ho, AKA Rhonda, hasn’t been on the show for a few weeks. First, it sounded like ‘Oh, don’t worry, she’ll be back next week’, but she hasn’t been on for two episodes. And then Elizabeth Ho said she won’t appear until season 2- if they’re even getting picked up. This caused many of her followers to Tweet that they stopped watching the show as a result, so she had to convince them to watch. So, now the show lost some viewers.
  2. The viewers for the DWTS episode was less than 1 million. Yikes. The peak was the second episode. With like 2 million viewers. So Yeah.
  3. ABCFamily apparently is creating 3 new ‘dramas’. This means M&J is out of place, and they’re probably using M&J’s budget to support these shows.

Meh, I knew it wouldn’t last. None of ABCFamily’s sitcoms last that long, and ABCFamily always screws around with them(Like putting M&J up against Glee: Smart move! Not!). Also, reruns are always available on ABCFamily, and the website, so people think ‘Oh, I missed Mel and Joe? No biggie. I’ll go online and watch it.’, so people have less reasons to watch it the first time around.

Melissa, honey, you have a family to support. So go back to Sabrina syndication, and made for TV movies. Anything. Just know you have other options.

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