Saturday, September 25, 2010

Iceberg Ahead

Last month, Debby Ryan, AKA Bailey on Suite Life on Deck started a Twitter rumor that SLoD is getting cancelled. She said that she was sad about how it was the last week of filming …season 3. This sent fans and tween blogs all over the Internet to find out stuff about SLoD’s future. Here’s what I think happened:

  1. Debby was being honest: It was the last week of filming and it was the last week of Season 3. As in, it’s getting cancelled, but people would stop watching if they knew the show’s fate.
  2. It was the last week of Season 3, but something big, like a cast member leaving, occurs.
  3. SLoD needed the extra publicity so they used Debby Ryan’s Twitter to scare people. :P

Apparently, Season 3 has episodes like Prom, and Graduation. But WHO? London learned to drive in 2005(15/16), Maddie went to college in 2008(18/19) and she became a senior in 2009(17/18 ?). I’m guessing she didn’t get held back because that would look bad for a Disney character. No, I’m not attacking people who got held back, but I’m just saying Disney’s too uptight to air things like that. They got rid of an episode Suite Life of Zack and Cody because it featured Zack pretending to be dyslexic for special treatment, and people complained. So basically, Disney hates controversy.

Now, the question is: Who’s Graduation is it? London’s? Zack, Cody, Bailey, Woody and newcomer Maya? Either way, we’re losing one character, or 5. It can be London, because Brenda Song has almost been on Disney for 12 years now, and she’s going to star in that new Facebook movie, so maybe she wants to do something different. It can be Zack, Cody and the rest of the crew, because the twins are heading off to college this year, IRL, so that won’t be good for filming. Then there’s the scary option: All of them. The Suite Life series has had 6 seasons, been on for 5 years, and has magically avoided too much music. Not to mention, it’s the most boy oriented show on the network, and it’s not like there are any heartthrobs to lure in any girls. I don’t mean to sound sexist, but I’m pretty sure Disney got Dylan and Cole because they thought they’d turn into heartthrobs, which meant boys wanted to be them, and girls wanted to be with them. My point is, it’s days are limited on the network. After all, fellow Disney Channel long runners, Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place are going to be cancelled too, so the Mouse House Executives are probably planning to take another one while we’re all mourning two other show-deaths, so a third one won’t seem as bad.

The only other way they could continue the show is A) If they make it like a new Degrassi, for kids. Kids go on the show, do stupid stuff for 4 years, and they get replaced after. Disney tries to make superstars out of everyone, but to no avail, so they just kill the franchise. Besides, if Jonas was retooled into a tween soap, and 2 comedies(And I use that word very loosely) are being cancelled, then maybe they plan on turning all of the shows into music/dance based tween soaps? That new show, Live it Up, or something, is about dance, so it’s possible they’ll just scrap the laugh track.

And option B)The kids go to college… on the boat! Self explanatory.

Then again, the SLoD cast is getting a DCOM next year, so this could either be a finale movie, or Disney’s way of starting the new SLoD franchise mentioned in option A.

I’m personally sad to see the show go. Don’t get me wrong, the characters and plots repulse me, but I’m sad to see the show go when everything is screwed up. Disney, please fix everything with the show, then cancel it.

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