Saturday, February 12, 2011

Starting Over

Well, our Sims 3 laptop died yesterday. I'm pissed off about it. Our laptop charger had been acting really stupid lately. Like, we could only plug it in one specific outlet and other ones wouldn't charge it. So then, it died. And new charger parts cost from 30 to 50 dollars, and who knows when they'll ship it to our house. :| And I had like no homework this weekend, AND winter break is coming up. :(
So then SS and I checked our other laptop and computer, to see if we could play the Sims 3 on them. According to System Requirements Lab, both of our computers failed. My Dad has a really fancy computer that probably can play it, but he gets possessive over it. Once I had to print out a slide show, but only that computer has Microsoft Power Point or whatever it's called, so I used that one to print it out. Then when he came home he flipped and went all 'If something happens to this computer, it's YOUR fault'. I remember once he tried to fix our printer/scanner/copier, but then it broke and he acted like it was our fault. Oh, and once he downloaded some annoying virus scanner thing on our computer, and it's always downloading crap to make sure there aren't any viruses or whatever. He's acting like anytime I touch a computer, something explodes. Sure, I could be a little clumsy with the laptop, but it's not like he's always perfect with the computer, either.
And I wanted to buy Late Night with some birthday money, too. I don't care about 'boycotting'  EA, because people will still buy their games the second they come out, and it's not like my purchase is going to necessarily keep EA open. I guess this is a sign that I need to wait more.
Maybe I can go back to Zoo Tycoon 2? I got the Ultimate Collection one for like 40 dollars (Yeah, like 5 games [4 expansions + 1 base game] for 40 dollars :D), but I only played for a few months, because then that computer got screwed over. Oh, and their CC community makes full expansion packs for free, 4 years after the official games stopped coming out. [/shameless plug in]
But on a happier note, happy 1 year anniversary to the Timbersons! I'd make an update, but all of the pictures are saved on my other laptop that died. :(


  1. To specify, the broken part is the AC Adapter.
    And maybe LN will cost less by the time we could actually buy it?

  2. Oh. Maybe Best Buy had it? I wish we had a warranty. :(
    I hope so. But I want it so badly D:. I want my Sims' social lives to be better than mine... which doesn't say much, but still. :P

  3. Sorry. Hope that gets fixed soon :)! I know what you mean about dads. They always act like any computer problem is the kid's fault. It's stupid. I get what you mean about EA, and wow o.0! That sounds really good lol. People still make full EPs? That's cool.

    And congrats on their 1 year anniversary :)!

  4. We're ordering a new part tomorrow. Hopefully it ships quickly.
    Well, yesterday he was kind of right because I accidentally got a virus on the other laptop BUT I think I fixed it. I hope.
    Yeah. For ZT2 they just have new animals, so it's not like they need new actions or new programming or anything. But there's no TSR equivalent or anything, so everything's free.
    Thanks! :)

  5. That's good about the new part :)! Hope it ships soon. xD I hate when that happens, it just proves them right and then they get all annoyed :p, hopefully it's gone.

    That's cool. Even better that none of the sites try and get money for the cc.

    Yep :)!
