Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why I still feel bad for Lindsay Lohan

“The 1998 remake of The Parent Trap is kind of depressing to watch now since it's a family movie starring the now late Natasha Richardson (who of course, recently died in a skiing accident). It also of course, stars a young Lindsay Lohan in more innocent, precocious times. Also, the whole plot centers on Dennis Quaid's twins (both played by Lindsay Lohan). In real life, Dennis Quaid's own newborn twins almost died due to an accidental overdose.” Taken from TV Tropes.

If you haven’t heard already, Lindsay Lohan is going to jail for breaking some DUI stuff. I think it’s really out of hand that she’s going to jail as a result of partying for several reasons.

  1. Her parents. The only people who will benefit from her experience immediately are her parents. They rank with the Gosselins and Joe Jackson, in terms of parents that just mooching off their children’s fame. They’re going to be horrible to her and just try soaking up every second of ‘fame’ she has.
  2. It’s not benefitting her. She’s going to be sharing a prison with rapists, murderers, and other people, not to mention, wasting people’s tax dollars, just because she got caught driving a car under the influence. I understand she broke the law, but can’t she just go to rehab instead, which is made to help people like her? I understand jail isn’t supposed to be helping people, but still, journalists are having a field day telling their viewers how it’s gonna help her.
  3. This will delay her comeback, if she will have one. People won’t want to hire ‘the girl from jail’ for her movies, especially with new competition that the media drools over(Megan Fox, Kristen Stewart, etc.). And if people didn’t hire her when she was ‘the eating disorder girl’ or ‘the party girl’ and so on, nobody will even think about hiring her now.
  4. A while back, I was reading a ‘celebrity 2010 death prediction list’, as morbid as it sounds, and Lindsay Lohan was on it. I tried finding it to have as a link, but I couldn’t find it… and instead, Google gave me many more lists with her on it. I was repulsed by it, and especially how most of them agreed she’d die in a downward spiral from drugs, drinking, and so on. What if prison pushes her over the edge? I understand she broke a law, and if it was some random 23 year old from New York City or something I’d be all ‘They broke the law. No ifs ands or buts.’ but seriously. They should’ve just make the trial as quick and painless for her as possible.

But yeah, I wish the best for her, and I respect the court’s decision. So remember kids, designated drivers really are your friends!


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