Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Remember this post from a while back? Guess what? I started finding sites to complain to about EA, and I actually got a reply from one!


I’m not sure how clear the quality of the picture is, but basically, they told me “We suggest that you search for other “gripe sites” on the internet, where dissatisfied customers of EA post their complaints. You will reach many more people that way and your voice can be heard.”

They even said they have received other similar complaints! THAT MEANS SOMEONE MIGHT BE LISTENING AND HELP IS ON IT’S WAY! :D

Or this is just a computer generated email, but I doubt it, because of the typo.

So, I googled “gripe sites” and I found this. Have fun with it. ;D

So remember, keep sending those emails, and tell others about this.


On a side note, I’ve fallen victim to those animal rubber bands popping all over the US. I won’t buy one(5 dollars for themed rubber bands in a recession!? Yeah, right!), but if I’m offered one, I won’t refuse. :P


  1. Thanks! It feels good that someone is listening to our complaints. :P
