Don’t worry, I’m still here. :P And finals are really horrible. I hate how my parents are all ‘you’ve been sitting down for 20 seconds straight go back to work’ and stuff. I came home yesterday ~ 1 PM(or 13:00 for you military time users) and I told my parents ‘Just to let you know, I’m not even going to bother touching my books today for Monday’s finals’. That, combined with the fact that I got hit in the head by a basketball at full speed by some senior(I assume) @rsehole earlier that day, meant I had a headache, and studying about Spanish verbs and Mao Zedong wouldn’t really help. Besides, if I’d study Friday and if the exams are MORE than 2 days later, why the fudge would that help? And when I told my parents that, they said ‘Well, study everyday’. Not just 'Oh, I’ll just rewrite my notes and read my study guide’ studying, but hardcore, solitary confinement(When you’re a twin, doing homework in the same room can start a lot of off topicness.) studying. And when I objected(Mom, Dad. I’m a teenager! I need to have FUN! I need to go out! Especially on a weekend so close to summer, right after finals!) the response I got? It was more or less…
“Well, we’re going out to dinner later, then tomorrow you either have youth group or going to the movies with Dad, and Sunday, you have a Church picnic”.
… I told them that that was unfair, and we always come home from the (annual) picnic pissed off, and then I asked them why we can’t just study Sunday instead of going there.
“Well, it’ll be fun. You never know what could happen.”
Um, Mom, Dad, are we talking about the same thing here? It’s going to be like this
- 5 year olds act annoying because they can’t all go in the bouncy castle thing at once.
- My brother and I just go in a corner.
- My Mom ‘casually’ comes and ‘hints’ at telling us to eat. (We’re picky eaters, and the food there isn’t the best. :X)
- We hang out with friends/people our age, my Mom or Grandma comes again, ‘hinting’ at us to play in the games being hosted, such as musical chairs, ice cream eating contests, and so on. Embarrassing, right?
- My parents complain about how shy/quiet my brother and I are, and the one time we do something mildly ‘bad’ (Going on a rather large Church roof, which was flat or taking a walk with friends from #4 and getting yelled at by a Thwoman telling us to ‘get off her property’), they act like we’re from juvie(juvenile delinquent) or something.
So ugh. I am going to study today, but I wanna skip the picnic and possibly youth group. And then when my school ends Tuesday, I leave for camp the following Sunday. And when I return, I have a buttload of summer reading (1 AP assignment with like 3 books; 1 honors assignment, and 2 regular books), and last summer, my Mom got mad at me for taking Sundays off from Summer reading( If you read Great Expectations 2 hours a day, 6 days a week for a month, one day a week is NOT a crime!).
So to sum up this post…
- My parents are forcing me to study, even though I will.
- They want me to skip going to the mall and stuff to go to youth group or Church.
- The picnic ends up an epic failure anyway, yet my parents insist on going. Though to be fair, my brother and I won a lot of stuff at the Graduation-thing so not going would be rude.
- Studying something for 2 days in advance WILL NOT HELP ANYONE. Let me study hardcore closer to the exam, kthnx.
- This summer will be full of summer reading.
Ugh, sorry for making it so long. I hate making IRL themed posts because nobody likes reading them, but I needed to say this.