Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lady GaGa Rant

I’m not a fan of her new image. I mean, at least with Born This Way she was kind of trying to be equal for everyone, but with Judas it feels like she’s trying to offend people. I don’t even understand the lyrics because they’re incomprehensible because of the techno sound effect stuff. And really? Could she pick a worse time to release the song? Easter, Palm Sunday and Holy Week are next week. At least when Kelly Clarkson had a song called Judas, it was about being betrayed by someone, not whatever the lyrics are. And based on the Wikipedia article, it feels like she’s praising him.

I miss it when she sang about fame and was less abstract. I started disliking her with the Alejandro video, but Judas completed it.

I admit that I’m offended by it because I’m a Christian, but the song also masks her vocal talents. It feels like her videos are getting sloppier, too. Honestly, anyone could go the clearance aisle of a costume store and add ‘symbolism’ to everything. And her fans have gone rabid. If you dislike her, you’re automatically a racist homophobe who’s inbred, or something. What happened to being open minded, Little Monsters?

I like her metal remixes on YouTube. Well, they’re not hers, but people just made their own metal remixes of her songs. They sound better than Judas, IMO.

Oh, and I hate watching her on YouTube because her page got sold out to VEVO, a corporation thing that adds a million advertisements before, during, after videos and on their official YouTube pages, along with an annoying username.

Now, it’s time to add a bunch of videos to this post. I won’t link to the song itself because I don’t feel like giving Lady GaGa anymore views or hits, but yeah.

EDIT: That’s disgusting. I just went on a Judas video for Kelly Clarkson and a bunch of ‘Little Monsters’ just commented with Lady GaGa’s lyrics. Real mature, kids.

Judas by Kelly Clarkson. Unofficial music video.

A Lady GaGa rock remix.
Another rock remix.
Alejandro- Rock remix.

What do you think of the new GaGa?


  1. I listened to a little bit, and like all of Lady Gaga's songs, I had no idea what the lyrics were supposed to be about besides her randomly saying Judas.

    It seems like she was just trying to create controversy with this song. It seems pretty cheap to me when a singer does this kind of thing (Using religion in their songs). Not to say a singer can't use a religion in their song, but when they use it specifically to create controversy, it's a little attention whorish.

    Especially releasing it early like this (Or at least that's what someone on the forums said. Idk if it's true or not cause I don't really listen to Lady Gaga because I can't understand what she's singing about)

  2. I agree with you totally! I was trying to keep open mind about the lyrics yesterday, but they are really offensive. I took some time to read some of them and the whole was just not needed. I mean if it was done more in a serious tone with intellgent lyrics and was making a point, maybe I could get over it. It almost comes off in mocking sort of tone. The whole song is her making light of religous references. "I'm a holy fool..." Seriously?!

    The Alejandro video was not my favorite. To me she was trying too hard to make a fun song into something edgy. It seem like the start of this crap though.

    I would like see her go back to the poker face, just dance days too. She is taking her self too serious with making every song a message and trying to be too edgy. Stick with the weird outfits and stop taking on subjects that should be left alone. And of all times with Easter coming!

    Just wait for the video! I'm scared to see it.

  3. @ Mike: I agree. It's like she knows the public is getting bored of her clothes and she needs a new gimmick to stay relevant. It feels like she made Born this way the other day or something. I still haven't grown to like it that much. She needs to take a break.
    @ Vidkid: Yeah! I usually take her lyrics lightly because she goes metaphor crazy, but this time it's too much.
    I watched the Alejandro video once after waiting months for it... what a disappointment. And it's one of her better songs, IMO. I don't even want to think about this video. Too much possibilities *shutter*.
    I don't think she's serious enough for edgy topics. Edgy videos and clothes, yes, but definitely not religion.
    I'd like to have a talk with her manager :/.

  4. Yeah she should take a break. It's like she's stuck between trying to be a singer who has messages in her songs and being a normal techno-y singer. The result of her doing that is Born This Way which I heard a few times on the radio. Just doesn't work, imo. She should either go one way or the other for each of her songs.

    And she is trying way too hard to be different. Didn't she go the Grammys in an 'egg' or something? That's not being 'different', that's just being creepy!

  5. Yeah, Born This Way was really choppy because she was trying to be catchy but preachy at the same time.
    Yeah. Some of her outfits are original, but a majority look like crap. Seeing her in like 20 years will be creepy.
