Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Break dancing Snowmen

Remember how a while back I said I was going to put random titles when I didn’t know what to put? Well, you just witnessed one of them. :P

How has my life been since my last update post thing?

I was kinda sick last week. Well, my voice went away, then it turned into a cough, but now I’m fine. :)

I’m taking a pre-SAT Practice test thing tomorrow, so technically, I don’t have any homework for tomorrow. :) But I’ll probably do some long term stuff.

My Grandma came back from California last night… at like 11:45. But she came home at like 1:30 in the morning so I saw her when I came home today.

School? Ugh, I feel so stressed out and nervous now.

  • In photo, we need to have 3 prints for this project, and I had 3, but 1 of them got lost, and the other two suck. :( And I’m like… the most behind in my class. D: And I don’t have class until Monday so I reeeaaaally hope I don’t get a bad grade. I mean, I ask for help, and technically, he never told us the due date, so I might be safe? And I always work my a$$ off in that class, so maybe he’ll be nice-ish? If I don’t finish the project by next Tuesday/Wednesday then I plan on staying after a lot, until he just gets sick of me and goes like 'Okay, you got the A! Now, go home!”, okay, so that won’t happen, but it won’t hurt to stay after. This was a really long run on.
  • AP USH I- Our teacher yelled at our class of 28 students because 5 or 6 students talked a lot. Now, we have a quiz on the Constitution(That’s the one with the Amendments, right? :P) and answer like 30 questions for tomorrow. But I’m not going to be in class tomorrow, so I have until next Monday to finish! :D

I’m starting to want Late Night. It looks so pretty and fun.

Fran Drescher’s talk show is this Friday! I’m probably gonna watch it. I hope it doesn’t get cancelled! And DWTS tonight: Will Bristol win? I hope not. I don’t watch, but I read AE’s blog enough to know she doesn’t belong there.

Oh, and Dan Schneider replied on his blog. He was like ‘Oh yeah, my team deleted your comments because it’s affiliated with Nickelodeon and little kiddies go on. I didn’t make the ads. But sorry, the next special will be bigger, better, and answer questions!”. Bull.

In other news, Miley Cyrus is a legal, 18 year old adult today. Let’s see the clothes fly off now [/sarcasm]. *eyeroll*

So, how was your… day/week/whatever?

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