Thursday, November 4, 2010


Lily Allen has some sad news. She had a miscarriage this week. 6 months into her pregnancy. For the second time. :( I feel horrible for her, because she was so excited to be a mother and have kids.

And on Twitter a few months ago, she commented that she didn’t know who Justin Bieber was, and thought his voice was a girl singing, or something, and guess what angry Bieber fans wrote? ' Lily Allen lost her baby. This is the second time? LMFAO hahaa. i have no respect that the bitch. she dissed Justin bieber.' Alright JB fans, millions of people hate Justin Bieber, but you only hate Lily because she’s famous? A TWITTER INSULT IS NOT THE SAME AS LOSING A CHILD FOR THE SECOND TIME. This is why I hate Justin Bieber. Not because of the somewhat catchy music, or my new unrealistic hair expectations, but because of what kind of behavior he encourages. What is this world coming to? I understand Lily might be a tad grumpy sometimes, but aren’t we all? Is it her fault that she just has a famous Twitter account?

My thoughts and prayers go out to Lily and her family at this sad time for her.


  1. Om my that's so cold hearted! That boy will probably not even say nothing. He's bad influence. It's sickening how they follow him and very unhealthy. I'm sorry hear that though. Poor Lilly. :( I like some of her music so I know of her.

  2. I heard that he tweeted her a consolation message so at least he has some manners. I wonder if it was him, or his publicist, though.
