Saturday, May 8, 2010

EA, You Might Want to Watch Out

We all have heard of the horror that is known as EA; charging loyal customers for pixels, glitches, and then banning them later, after they’re done using a user long enough. But another company might start replacing EA in Internet frugality- Zynga.

Yes, Zynga. The company that makes highly addictive games for Facebook and other social networking websites. There games require patience for loading, friends for gifting, and a huuuge wallet.

Today, in YoVille, the Sims-esque Zynga Game, was the game’s anniversary. To ‘celebrate’ it, they had a bunch of special items on ‘sale’.


Yeah, on sale for who? If you could see the pictures clearly, you could see bathtubs for 8 and 9 YoCash, the YoVille currency. Chairs are also 7 and 8 YoCash. And the price changes on COLOR. So they purposely put somewhat crappy shades of everything for cheaper prices, than bright, better looking colors cost more. :/ Sure, 25 coins doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you’re designing an entire room, you have to wait like a month to save up.


And here are some more screenshots.


A HELICOPTER FOR 100 YOCASH? A CAROUSEL HORSE FOR 25? And I don’t even know what the last item is!


And some rather expensive plush collectables too.


And here’s what I mean for the whole ‘25 extra coins per item in a set is really inconvenient’. I had a choice of making my diner red, blue, pink or purple. I was initially going to do it blue, but seeing as it was a really boring shade to me, I had to wait longer(This set was available in November ‘09) to make my diner.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s an alright game. Sure, the last two months of themes really sucked, with Whimsical and Enchanted Land, which ended in identical items, but I’ve managed to save a lot of coins by not buying anything at all, but really Zynga. This is a FREE game. You shouldn’t have to go so low to steal money from people who care about your game so much.

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