Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Jersey Shore

It bothers me when I see articles from ‘professionals’ on Yahoo! complaining about something on the Jersey Shore. A few weeks ago, there was an article about how people are annoyed that there weren’t any bathrooms nearby. And all the comments were cliché jokes like ‘Snooki flooded them’ or something. It’s really ridiculous. I mean, the boardwalk and the Jersey Shore are like the one thing that people like about New Jersey and sort of help us generate money, but ever since the Jersey Shore premiered on MTV, people have been treating us like we’re filthy, backwards people who are useless to society. And only one third of that is true. Smile with tongue out 

I read one comment complaining about how the beaches are dirty 24/7. I understand the beach is supposed to maintain everything, but 4 out of 5 cars I see are from other states. And people still think it’s NJ’s fault that we have obnoxious tourists. But anytime someone says something MILDLY negative about NYC, the first thing I hear is ‘it’s the tourists’ faults’. I swear. When I grow up, I want to work for MTV so I can have a reality show about NYC and watch them get crappy articles on Yahoo. Angry smile

Now I read an article about some jellyfish-like thing washing up at the beach. There have been jellyfish over there forever and they’re only starting to complain now? Gosh. And it’s probably at other beaches, too, but ‘Jellyfish at Delaware’ isn’t as interesting as a title.

This reminds me of how in the ‘80s (I think?) Oprah said she stopped eating meat or whatever during the peak of Mad Cow Disease. Then the beef industry claimed she hurt their business and they sued her. Can’t New Jersey do that to MTV or Viacom? I’d rather have a show about mallrats on TeenNick or something instead, and it could be in the style of Jersey Shore. With people like ‘Orange’ Julius, DJ Mickey D… I swear. One day this is going to be made into a show and they’ll be making millions off of this idea.


  1. That's stupid. I don't bother to read the comments or articles on there anymore. Either the posters are trolling or they're being unintentionally stupid... or they bring politics into it somehow. I saw someone bring their political views onto an article that announced the death of this one entertainment dude a few months ago.

    Yeah. It mostly is the tourists' faults. Tourists are usually obnoxious and inconsiderate because it's only a vacation spot to them. Maybe they could sue MTV! Then they could take off Jersey Shore and put actual music on there -_- !

    Lol I could see that show :P!

  2. I mostly read the comments if they're lighter articles, like jellyfish at a beach, but if it's something political, I stay away. That's really ridiculous. The only political entertainment thing I could think of it Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronald Reagan, but people forget Arnold's political life and Ronald's entertainment life.
    Ugh yeah. I remember once I went to a motel and the parking lot was filled with Canadian cars. I don't care where you're from but seriously, be considerate to others. -_- At least there aren't spinoffs of Jersey Shore... yet.
