Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial Rant

I think that the Casey Anthony trial thing has been taken completely out of hand. People are treating it like it’s a soap opera or a reality show, when it’s just a trial. I understand that people are emotionally invested to Caylee but goodness. Things like this go on everyday and just focusing on Caylee is a slap in the face to other victims. Not to mention, Casey Anthony will probably be getting a book deal, a LifeTime movie, and weekly updates online.

I think Casey’s not the only one who’s cashing in on this. HLN, a ‘fluff news’ network, has their greatest ratings ever because of this trial. They’ve added way more commercials to their programming as well as forcing all of their anchor people to cover the trial. I understand Nancy Grace should talk about it because she’s been covering this since 2008, and Jane Valez Mitchell kind of covers this kind of stuff, but Dr. Drew, aka the Celebrity Rehab guy, normally doesn’t cover this kind of stuff. He normally covers things like celebrity addicts or that kind of stuff, but unless if he’s interviewing people who are addicted to trials or addicted to killing children, then Casey Anthony is irrelevant. And Joy Behar usually covers lighter things like interviewing random people. Casey Anthony doesn’t belong there either. Showbiz Tonight exists to basically cover trainwrecks like Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen’s every move, and now they’re covering ‘celebrities’ like Casey Anthony. Yes, because killing your child is totally celebrity like.

HLN doesn’t even produce their own content for this trial. They interview people on the streets, quote Facebook comments, and play clips from the trial. Then they’ll have Nancy Grace shouting for a few minutes and cut to commercials.

I feel like Nancy Grace is the wrong person to cover this. She’s too shouty and loud and way too emotionally invested in this. She’s just encouraging mob mentality. And she actually drove someone to suicide. In 2006, she interviewed Melinda Duckett and just acted crazy towards her, and then Melinda killed herself. And Nancy claims her interview had absolutely no impact whatsoever! What a heartless bitch! Ugh.

I don’t know what to think about this trial. I don’t know if Casey actually killed Caylee, but even if she didn’t, she should be arrested for not reporting her missing daughter for 31 days. I hope she doesn’t try to make money off of this trial.


  1. I agree about the soap opera mentality and Nancy Grace.

    As far as the end of your post, there is a petition out there to sign that would hopefully prod the government into creating "Caylee's Law" which would make it a crime to not report your child missing after a certain amount of time. If you google it, you may be able to find it. I signed it, I think it's a good law to have, not only in Florida, but all 50 states to prevent this sort of thing from happening again to any child.

  2. Totally agree about the mentality that the people who follow the case have. I haven't really paid any attention to the case (It feels like it's been going on forever, though. Weren't they talking about this in 2008? I feel like I remember hearing Caylee and Casey's' names. Or was that stuff just talking about the crime itself and not the trial? I know she didn't report that she was missing for like a month though which is really shady) so I can't say much on whether she actually did it or not, but it's ridiculous how people are treating her and the case.

    I've watched some of Nancy Grace recently just to get an idea of whether or not she seemed like she was exploiting the case for her own gain, and after watching a few minutes of her, it totally seems like she is. Plus, my mom used to watch her about two years ago, but then she stopped because Nancy was acting crazy so I caught some of her back then too. All she does is shout -_- . I can see how she drove someone to killing themselves.


  3. @ AE: That's great. I saw (and signed) the petition and currently they have around 700,000 signatures.
    @ Mike: I think she just talked about the crime in 2008. HLN is having a 'special' for the Casey Anthony trial stuff, and the commercial included a clip from Nancy talking about it in 2008.

    I swear, she's such a nut. She just shouts tot mom and jumps to conclusions. It's amazing how some people are unemployed and barely making ends meet while Nancy's getting paid a lot to act like a child.
